Monday, July 14, 2014

Does Your Business Receive Enough Customer Calls?

Does Your Business Receive Enough Customer Calls?

Why Calls Work Better than Emails

Phone conversations are direct and harder to ignore. They take less
time to conduct than a formal email and incorporate more information.
Above all else, phone calls focus on relationships more than
transactions. Rather than the impersonal “shopping cart” process,
customer service agents instead work on discovering interests, habits
and opinions, helping them to serve that customer better. Overall, a
phone conversation goes places an email can’t.

How to Revamp a Call-to-Action

Chances are that if you feel your businesses does not receive enough
customer calls, it’s because of the call-to-action. Sometimes, a visitor
simply doesn’t know the next step – do they call, send an inquiry or go
to another webpage? Tell customers explicitly what you want them to do,
making it as easy as possible for them to dial the number. For further
incentive, consider these three tips:

  1. Free Trial Offers. Encourage prospects and
    customers to call in to activate or cancel a trial period. Similarly,
    advertise perks for customers that call in. For example, give gifts to
    the first twenty callers who redeem an offer.
  2. Be an Expert.
    In a saturated market, why should customers call you and not the
    competitor? It is your job to show customers how you lead the industry
    in both knowledge and service. In order to stand out, appear to be the
  3. Write Actively. A good call-to-action uses strong
    verbs to command customers. Anything that leaves room for doubt or
    backtracking results in no calls. As concisely as possible, specify the
    action you want them to take. Make it seem as if it’s now or never too –
    dawdling works against the call. 

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